Legacy Horse Logging
The business's name reflects how a properly managed forest can be a person's legacy - something of beauty and value and worth leaving to the next generation. A well-managed wood happens over several lifetimes and can be destroyed in a couple days by improper management. It needs to be healthy and growing with various tree species in various stages of growth. Jason offers his knowledge and work as a service to the landowner. The landowner may be concerned about the emerald ash borer and want all the ash trees harvested or perhaps owns mature woods with no undergrowth and wants some large, flawed trees removed to allow sunlight to reach the forest floor. This is call selective cutting or worst-first thinning. These landowners value their woods and don't want it trashed and/or good trees needlessly damaged. For these reasons, horse logging is preferred over conventional machine logging or clear cutting. Horses and small equipment need very little space among the standing trees and cause minimal damage to the forest floor. |